It's 2025
It’s 2025.
I’m not looking forward to this year—I anticipate that it will be a challenge for many of us, especially in the United States and other countries where we can well and truly see the whites of fascism’s eyes.
I don’t want to start the year with dread, though. I want to step forward with at least a modicum of hope. So here, dear reader, are my wishes for us in the days and weeks to come:
May we judiciously engage with social media and media outlets. Let’s mute key words and block bad actors with abandon. Let’s close browser tabs and put down our phones more often than we are driven to continue drowning in misery and despair.
May we have enough money to cover our own needs and help provide for others. Let’s contribute to mutual aid funds and donate to organizations doing the work we cannot and cover prescription costs for friends who need help…and maybe buy some LEGO for ourselves, as a treat.
May we rest well. May our sleep be restorative and our down time energizing so that we can fight the many battles that lie ahead.
May we learn more about the people and world around us. Society cannot get better if we do not understand how things are broken to begin with, and we are in desperate need of change.
May we speak up for those who need our voices and amplify the voices of those who need our support.
May we find community to support and uplift us.
May we find glimmers of joy in the dark.
I don’t know if it’s possible to thrive in the year ahead, but let’s try.